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EuroHPC Joint Undertaking

EuroHPC is a key factor for the whole of Europe to promote digitalisation. To bridge the high-performance computing (HPC) and digital skills gap is an integral part of the ecosystem. The combination of HPC and other technologies such as big data, cloud services, and artificial intelligence is another essential part of the European digital agenda. Recent advances in artificial intelligence, such as deep learning, which are shaping the societies today and even more so in the future, are not possible without high-performance computing. 35 countries have signed the EuroHPC Declaration. Have a look at the video below explaining European HPC strategy.

The EuroHPC Governing Board decided to place the exascale precursor supercomputers in Finland, Italy, and Spain.

The budget for the EuroHPC JU in 2019–2020 is over 960 million Euros, which includes public investments from the EU and participating states as well as investments from private partners. The total budget of the EuroHPC pre-exascale system in CSC’s data center in Kajaani is over 202 million Euros. Half of this funding comes from the EU and the other half from the consortium countries.

LUMI has received additional funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which is granted by Regional Council of Kainuu. ERDF funding for 4.2 million Euros is granted for the period of 10.06.2019-31.12.2020. This funding enables EuroHPC’s supercomputer to be located at CSC’s Kajaani data center, strengthening the national and international status of Kainuu’s ICT and data center services.