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Hackathon: Registration 2024

To apply for the LUMI hackathon, please fill out the registration form here:

Following is a preview of the question being asked in the form.

Section 1: Overview

  1. Project title
  2. Summary

Section 2: Contact

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Email
  4. Position/title
  5. Organization
  6. Research group
  7. Who is the principal investigator (PI) of the project?

Section 3: About the code

  1. Name of the code
  2. Website with information about the code
  3. License
  4. Is your code open source?
  5. Website where the source code can be access/downloaded (e.g. Github)
  6. Main programming language:
  7. Number of active developers:
  8. Is the code parallel? Which model do you use?
    • OpenMP
    • MPI
    • Other:
  9. Does your code have support for GPU?
  10. Can your code exploit multiple GPUs? On the same node? On multiple nodes?
  11. Which GPU programming models do you use?
    • AMD HIP
    • OpenMP offload
    • OpenACC
    • SYCL
    • Other:
  12. If your code relies extensively on third-party library in performance critical parts, please list them:
  13. What kind of profiling tools you used so far and what performance bottlenecks did you find?

Section 4: Hackathon

  1. Please describe the task(s) that you would like to work on during the hackathon. It should preferably be a well-defined goal, limited in scope, that could achieved during the week of the hackathon. State, if possible, for which parts you need help from the HPE-Cray Center of Excellence and/or the LUMI User Support Team.
  2. How many participants will come on-site from the team?
  3. Will be there other participants also working remotely on the task during the hackathon?
  4. Do you have a project allocation on LUMI-G that will be valid during the hackathon in Ocotober?

Section 5: Impact

  1. Please describe the potential impact for the end-user of your application by the proposed work. What kind of calculations/simulations/features would be enabled and why are they important?