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Leveraging LUMI in GANANA, an EU-India partnership for scientific HPC

The GANANA project aims to establish a long-term collaboration between Europe and India in the field of HPC applications in identified priority domains.

GANANA will strengthen expertise exchange, foster research links and enhance the development of software for HPC applications. Three European HPC Centers of Excellence funded by the EuroHPC JU, focusing on the domains of biomedical and life sciences, natural hazards and weather modelling, namely BioExcel, ChEESE, ESiWACE3, will collaborate with five Indian institutions including the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), India Meteorological Department, Institute for Seismological Research, NII, and AIRAWAT.

In addition, the project aims to leverage the combined computational power of Europe’s and India’s leading supercomputers to address global challenges and foster innovation. This initiative will include EuroHPC pre-exascale systems LUMI in Finland, LEONARDO in Italy and MareNostrum 5 in Spain.

Coordinated by Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) and involving beneficiaries from seven European countries and India, GANANA runs from February 2025 to January 2028. The project partners include Universiteit Utrecht (UU) (Netherlands), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt am Main (GUF) (Germany), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) (Spain), Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (Spain), Universidad de Málaga (UMA) (Spain), CINECA Consorzio Interuniversitario (Italy), Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) (Italy), Bull SAS (Eviden) (France), CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy (Finland).

The launch of GANANA will mark EuroHPC JU’s second international cooperation initiative, following the HANAMI project’s launch in 2024 to foster HPC collaboration between Europe and Japan.

Read more: Press release on the EuroHPC JU website