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Users in Finland

You can apply for the national LUMI resources either as an academic user affiliated with a Finnish higher-education or research institute or as an industry user from an organization established or located in Finland.

When applying for the Finnish resources, there are four different access modes to choose from:

Regular Access mode, for resource applications with a case to enable progress of science in the domains covered. These applications are expected to be able to justify the need for large allocations in terms of compute time, data storage and support resources because they are significantly contributing to the progress of science in their domain.

  • middle size projects, duration fixed 12 months
  • max 10 million core-h, 200,000 GPU-h, 570 000 TiB-h

Benchmark Access mode is meant for users to collect GPU performance data on LUMI in order to document the technical feasibility of their proposals to be submitted to LUMI Extreme Scale Access calls.

  • to show readiness for Extreme Scale Access in LUMI-G (cf. PRACE preparatory access), duration fixed 3 months
  • max 0.5 million core-h, 0.01 million GPU-h, 22 000 TiB-h

Development Access mode is meant for projects focusing on code and algorithm development and developing a science portal or other infrastructure software components.

  • minor projects to develop software for LUMI, duration 1 year, extendable for other years
  • max 1 million core-h, 0.01 million GPUh, 90 000 TiB-h

Extreme Scale Access is a high-impact, high-gain innovative research, open to all fields of science, justifying the need for the capacity to use extremely large allocations in terms of compute time (especially GPU) and data storage resources.

  • largest projects using especially GPUs (LUMI-G), duration fixed 12 months
  • 50% of Finnish LUMI GPU resources, 25% of Finnish CPU resources
  • 0.5–3 million GPU-h, max 16 million CPU core-h
  • calls for projects once a year

Read more about the open calls.

For any urgent questions, please contact the CSC service desk.

To ensure a successful application, please familiarise yourself with the “Access modes for Finnish academic users” to select the appropriate option for your project.

To find a potential collaboration model for your research project see the chart “Collaboration models for Finnish academic users“.

Access modes for Finnish academic users

What is your need for LUMI resources? Access mode Application and review process
LUMI’s resources and unique technical features are critical to my research that will contribute significantly to the advancement of science in the domain where I work. Regular access • Apply at any time at
• Research plan should include publications and a description of planned methods.
• Decisions are made in CSC resource allocation meetings approximately every three weeks.
• Allocations are granted for one year.
I want to prepare my code for Extreme Scale Access. Benchmark access • Apply at any time at
• Decisions are made in CSC resource management within approximately three days.
• Access periods may be granted for three months.
I have completed a Benchmark Access project and I want to apply for LUMI Extreme Scale Access. Extreme Scale Access • Extreme Scale Access calls and instructions how to apply will be communicated for each call separately at LUMI access webpage
• The decisions will be made by Finnish LUMI Access Committee composed of CSC’s HPC experts and external evaluators.
• The allocations are typically granted for one year.
I want to implement long term code development in LUMI environment. Development Access • Apply at any time at
• The decisions will be made in CSC’s resource management within approximately three days.
• Access periods are granted initially for one year. These periods can be extended twice but not exceeding a total length of three years.

In addition to the national resources, Finnish academic users can also apply for the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking’s resources.

As an academic user affiliated with a Finnish higher-education or research institute, you can use LUMI resources in collaboration with other academic and industrial users in Finland, Europe and beyond. Nevertheless, this requires the Principal Investigator (PI) to be affiliated with a Finnish academic research institution.

Collaboration models for Finnish academic users

With whom do you want to collaborate with? Model, research results and costs
Researchers at Finnish higher-education or research institutions. Academic collaboration in Finland
• Results are public.
• LUMI resources are free of charge.
Researchers at European or non-European universities and research institutes. International academic collaboration
• Results are public.
• LUMI resources are free of charge.
A Finnish company in a joint research, development and innovation (RDI) project. Open Academic Research collaboration with industry
• Results are public.
• LUMI resources are free of charge.
An European or non-European company in a joint research, development and innovation (RDI) project. Open Academic Research collaboration with industry
• Results are public.
• LUMI resources are free of charge.
A Finnish, European or non-European company in a joint commercial research, development and innovation (RDI) project. Commercial RDI projects
• Results are confidential/non-disclosed.
• Paid usage of LUMI resources.

Open Calls

Up to 20% of all LUMI resources are available to industry and SMEs to support their research, development and innovation activities and to boost the competitiveness of Europe. As an industrial user from an organization established or located in Finland, you can apply for the resources for your business or collaborate with Finnish higher-education or research institutes in a joint research, development and innovation projects.

CSC is the Finnish LUMI consortium partner. Read more on the CSC website.