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LUMI-O object storage now available also via the LUMI web interface

The LUMI-O object storage has now been integrated also into the LUMI web interface. It can be used via the new cloud storage configuration feature that has been added to the LUMI web interface recently.

This new integrated feature will significantly enhance user experience by lowering the barrier to utilizing LUMI-O. It allows users to configure endpoints for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) connections directly via the cloud storage configuration app within the web interface. These endpoints are accessible through the graphical file manager, enabling seamless browsing and file management. Additionally, they can be accessed via the command line, offering an alternative to the lumio-conf tool.

Enhanced data solutions

The advanced object storage solution offers a range of features designed to enhance data management, accessibility, and security.

Key benefits of LUMI-O object storage:

• Secondary Copies: Store a secondary copy of your essential computational data.
• Sharing Data: Share data via public endpoints, accessible by anyone over the internet.
• Cost-Effective Storage: Store data at half the price of scratch storage.
• Remote Access: Conveniently access object storage over the internet from various locations.
• Privacy Options: Configure endpoints to be public or private, according to your needs.

Streamlined HPC experience

The LUMI web interface is designed to streamline your computing experience with a suite of powerful, user-friendly features. From managing files to launching interactive applications, LUMI provides a seamless integration of tools to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Key features of the LUMI web interface:

• File Management: Easily view, download, and upload files.
• Shell Access: Open a shell on the login node or a persistent shell on a compute node directly in your web browser.
• Interactive Applications: Launch and connect to apps like Jupyter, TensorBoard, and Visual Studio Code from your browser.
• Visualization: Run GPU-accelerated visualization tools in a Linux desktop environment on LUMI-D.
• Course Environments: Set up customized notebook environments for courses, streamlining training sessions.

Getting started with the new feature

To begin using the new cloud storage configuration feature, users are encouraged to refer to the detailed documentation available at LUMI web interface documentation and LUMI-O documentation.

For further assistance, users can reach out via the LUMI User Support pages.