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LUMI and its potential for Polish science

Recording of the online conference ‘LUMI Supercomputer and its potential for Polish science’, organized by ACC Cyfronet AGH on 20th October 2021 is now available (please see below). The aim of the conference was to promote the LUMI infrastructure among Polish scientific environment and give a reflection on the possibilities provided by LUMI.

Polish researchers can benefit from the computing power, storage, software and user support of the LUMI supercomputer thanks to the access provided by the PLGrid Infrastructure.

Among the speakers there were:

– Dr. Pekka Manninen, Director of the LUMI Leadership Computing Facility, CSC (part 1)
– Polish laureates of the competition for LUMI pilot projects: Prof. Gabriel Wlazłowski, WUT (part 2)
and Prof. Janusz Bujnicki, IIMCB, on behalf of whom presented Dr. Tomasz Wirecki (part 3)
– Dr. Andreas Findling, HPE representative (part 4)
Maciej Szpindler, LUMI User Support Group representative (part 5)
Marek Magryś, EuroCC Poland representative (part 6)